White poisons?

White poisons?

Daily so many people are using 4 main white poisons while cooking.

Are you shocked about this?

What are white poisons? White poisons means nothing but our daily cooking ingredients.

Those are 1. WHITE SUGAR




Let’s talk about them!

1.WHITE SUGAR: – White sugar means refined sugar. This is the main ingredient of so many sweets. Not only sweets, beverages like coffee, tea, juices and soft drinks etc...

What will happened while using this white sugar.

White sugar is a high-risk factor for heart problems, weight gain, type 2 diabetes and cancer.

Facts about sugar :-

Low energy levels: – A 2019 study found that 1 hour after sugar consumption, people fired and less alert than a controlled group of people.

Low mood :- A 2017 prospective study found that higher sugar intake increased rates of depression and mood disorders in meals.

Bloating: – According to John Hopkins medicine certain types of sugar may cause bloating and gas in people who have digestive conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome (I B S) or small intestinal bacteria overgrowth.

What is refined sugar: – To prepare refined sugar, raw sugar or sugar is extracted from sugarcane or any other plant with naturally occurring sugars. Which then undergoes processing to remove molasses. The most common type of refined sugar is table sugar or white sugar and highly fructose corn syrup.

Suggestions: – Replace your white sugar with natural, Organic and unrefined sugar. It is better to use jaggery and honey instead of white sugar.

2. WHITE SALT: – Salt is the main and topmost ingredient in almost all food items. Because salt is the secret behind the taste. Without taste we can’t eat anything.

Why should we avoid white salt?

Having white salt causes many diseases like High blood pressure can eventually lead to strokes and hear failures. If we use too much salt day to day, the kidney which constantly works overtime to flesh out excess salt develops kidney problem.

The manufactured form of sodium chloride is table salt. Table salt is created by heating up the crude oil extract at 1200 degrees FT. When the salt is heated up to temperature it loses opportunity 80 important minerals is has. These table salts are not only unhealthy, but they can also be piousness too. Because after it is manufactured.

suggestions: – As per sciences and some studies say our body requires limited quantity of salt. Taking too much of salt is lead so many diseases. Please quit white salt and go for Rock salt. It is much better than white salt.

3. WHITE RICE: – This is the main course for most of all Indians. It gives so much of energy, and it controls blood pressure etc..

What type of Rice we are eating?

We are eating polished rice. It means there are no health benefits of eating this polished rice. We are inviting so many diseases like obesity, diabetes and health problems.

White rice is highly processed and can spike blood sugar levels. Harvard Medicine school has said white rice has a similar effect as eating “pure table sugar”. It has less nutrients. White rice is a type of refined grain that has been miled and processed to remove the bran and germ of the grain, which helps cut costs for manufactures and extends the self-life of products. Many nutrients are lost during the milling process and the rice is typically stripped of its fiber, manganese, magnesium, selenium and phosphorus. White rice consumption was tied to a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Suggestions: – Try to avoid white rice and polished rice. Use brown rice, red rice or unpolished rice instead of white rice.

4.WHITE FLOUR: – It is nothing but Maida. This is a famous ingredient for so many sweets, pizza, cakes etc...

The whole grain wheat has three parts the bran that contains fibers and antioxidants, and it has some minerals. When wheat is processed to produce white flour, the bran and germ are extracted. Maida is actually just the endosperm. So the nutritional value of Maida is quite zero. It doesn’t contain any fibers that aid in digestion.

What are the side effects of Maida (WHITE FLOUR)

We can make delicious food items with Maida. But after eating this Maida, we don’t know what it will do in our body. It will create so many problems after entering into our body. Maida settles in our liver because of its natural stickiness. It is very hard to digest. So, the digestive system will slowly become dull. Without proper digestion we will face so many problems. There are more ways to that Maida can harm our health.

Maida was banned in many countries but because of political lobby and other things ban was taken back and maida is obtainable in every country with delicious bakery items. We have seen or heard that in earlier days maida mixed with hot water and used as gum to stick posters in wall. May be this the reason to name maida as all prupose flour.

Suggestions: – If it is possible avoid Maida or replace with Wheat flour or Organic Maida.

Conclusion:- Please avoid these and go for Organic and Natural products.

Organic products are little bit costly, but it is not greater than our hospital bills.


1. What are the side effects of white salt?

A. It is estimated that we need about 500 mg of sodium daily for these vital functions. But too much sodium in the diet can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.

2. Why people avoid white sugar?

A. Refined sugars may increase your risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. They’re also linked to a higher likelihood of depression, dementia, liver disease, and certain types of cancer.

3. Which rice is best for health?

A. Nutritionally, brown rice is recommended for a healthy diet because it contains extra nutrients. Brown rice tends to be a bit more caloric, but it is also contains extra protein and fiber that offer that these health benefits.

4.How white flour affect your body?

A. Refined flour promotes fat and prevents the body from burning fat for fuel. It may also promote inflammation in the gut, which damages your metabolic system and lead to weight gain. Type 2 diabetes.

2 thoughts on “White poisons?”

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